After a plenitude of silence, I decided to share with you from the bottom of a thought that has long tortured my mind, I think a majority poses this question type.
A simple analysis of Moroccan society leads me to say there was never an education and that we Moroccans we are a species weird, we're the only people who feel a disgust to his identity, but I do not understand why there is so much contempt?
Following a conversation with acquaintances, someone told me what do you blame for this society?
I said, a religion and the lack of a philosophical mind, the person asked me to give more information. Here
the back of my mind:
Is education in our society?
not force, because the majority uses is a religion for they instill principles, Instead of dogma, and if the child decides to rebel against this religion it is no ideology, it is completely lost.
During this holy month I never stop to ask me questions on this practice, I never stop to think how people can live in a hypocrisy, if you support hunger and thirst is to appear normal or more or months and when I try I try to question people always hear the same answers (Ramadan is for God, Ramadan allows us to feel what a poor man can feel, is the month we can purify our soul), but after this month everyone repeats these practices which the majority are illegal, as those waiting on the third day of the festival so they can buy beer or wine.
I never understood why our society that lives in schizophrenia and why people attach so much seem to want Muslim, but deep down he wants to enjoy immense freedom.
Another point that interests me is the reporting, the true Islam encourages people to respond if they attend a bad scene or if they suffer repression, but the majority do not and when I decide to speak or critique I am told I am trying to show off or try to demonstrate others that I have a powerful mind, but I'm attracting the eyes of my superiors to me, what can get me in trouble and when I say that only the good Lord protect my bread winning and I keep telling the phrase "ومل من دبابتين تمشي فالأرض إلى ورزقها عند الله"
at that moment I see the other person is not at all convinced.
Lately I have a confused mind.
NB: This is an unfinished version of a very long text that I want write.