Friday, March 26, 2010

How To Fix A Braided Leather Bracelet


Hello, I learned that there will be at Cypress Hill Festi'neuch is huge!

Here I am confronted with the problem of child sorcerers in a symposium Educ tells the story of a child whose soul becomes a cockroach at night out of the prison where he is held (and where his body remains) to take revenge by killing people ... And they all believe and even the child to recognize and internalize that shit these acts.

Is it a manifestation of their consciousness? First explain that there is no culture here, including the consciousness of guilt and fear of violating a law, but a culture of shame that what is suppressed is not the act as such but if the act is discovered. This is quite different, not seen not taken. So long as they are not they still have good conscience, sin is to break the harmony. Moreover, it still good harmony, must not hurry, I might break the harmony!

So in the case of child witches, they would not fear retaliation in the form of witchcraft if they did nothing wrong and a minimum of consciousness. For now my position is clear and deal with that vis-à-vis my colleagues I subtly ask questions about it when the opportunity presents itself.

AAAAH Gave her my HES that they are not fucking come to an agreement between them. It is believed to have finally captured their logic and I am told that this is not it, that there had to be confusion during my first placement ... AND if there was much confusion in the development of DCPT it is serious this school.

Anyway, I did my first internship at B and I'll do like this time in the development of my goals. Na!

Tuesday night after spending the day at work my goals, I needed some fresh air and I went for a walk. Along the way I met two law students who offer me to show me the campus of the University of Kinshasa. It's huge, 9 faculties, church, classes of over 1,500 students, but also buildings in ruins, teachers on strike for a month and a half, in fact they are paid $ 300 a month (they call $ 1,500 at once!) I am also seeing Mom with Helen to go and take some courses in social sciences. It might be terrible.

Other specialty Congo, Vodacom Congo my phone operator send me SMS messages that announce how the bonus credit, but they do not crediting me anything. That's bullshit.

Thursday at Victory I was touched by a child must have a dozen years. His foot was badly injured, infected, broken perhaps, how does it happen, I do not know. While Stephanie (The nurse Zurich) took care of it screaming, he was in pain, he was terrified, panicked, he did not know what was happening. Our resources seem paltry faced with such despair. After careful with our means he goes into the street. What is most tragic for me is that this would disappear, to die without anyone noticing in absolute poverty, both material and emotional.

On the way home, we plant the car in what seemed to be a small puddle, right in traffic. Soon a crowd formed around the car, well yeah, four = four Moundele planted wallets! All are busy, pull, push, screaming, open doors, in great confusion. We are reluctant to leave the car and then give up. The tone rises. Simplice brother (a Congolese education) out of the car see what happens. Meanwhile Mena and I are doing a crash course to find out how to engage the differential is equipped with a car (what the 4X4!). Finally we leave the car but the hole where her spoils. All rushed to the front of the car to ask for money and tap it. We consider safer to get out of the crowd. Simplice brother is now being done by submerging the crowd, we fear a lynching. He drops 2,000 Congolese francs (approx. 2Fr hp) and reaches the car at full speed. The crowd heckled now for the money, they had for him, not against us.

Conclusion "beware of puddles, which are 1.5 m deep"

You have to admit though I'm bloody well adapted, it always a little surprised when I am faced with a cockroach 5cm opening my wardrobe.

We had a visit from a Vallonière Valtraversoise ... a ... a ... well whatever Valtraversienne Celine Fleurier who provided me with Greetings Noctule. (Thank you guys make it super fun!) It's still a little weird as far from Neuchâtel.

Hi team and the next


Friday, March 19, 2010

Bracelets With Meanings

Here rolling!

Hey, hey, there's not to say I'm having really here! It's exciting as life, every day of surprises, sometimes slaps and when I begin to say "I go around" wham something new I fall on the mouth. I feel fully live for a month. (As if I did in Switzerland too much ...)

Not later than yesterday, so I drank a sweet (read: a Mineral, coca cola, sprite, tonic) with Matthew in-Bouis Bouis, I felt invaded by a strange feeling. I look around me and everything seems strangely familiar (even more than in India), People, their approach, the cars, the atmosphere, the light, I would be in the market place in Neuchâtel that would be the same thing. Yes, I feel good, I'm acclimated!

But no! Ha! At this moment we breath "flag! "And indeed all people of the land had risen, we do the same. Pedestrians and cars had stopped, within seconds the whole neighborhood was petrified, plunged into a long silence! It was unreal. Farther to the police station we solemnly began lowering the flag to whistle and clap heels. Then after a long whistle of life takes its course and everything is resuscitated. It's crazy in a country where everything starts to spin it so well respected. Afterward Mom Helen will explain that if someone moves it may be amended (your money ended up in the pockets of the cop) or jailed and that during the presidential motorcades is worse, if you move here, they opened fire! In fact you might want to leave a weapon to assassinate the president ... But hey, if he deserves it!?!

Otherwise we started the African fashion, after buying the fabric we went to the tailor who made our measurements. And after a few days of work is the result is ... colorful eh?

Wednesday, I am addressing in the street by a cop who asks me to pay him a beer! I hesitate to ask if I have a choice, but not wanting to play too provocative, I just wonder if he has the right during the service. He replied that one or two it is (here is the Primus of 7.2 dl), as he insists, I explain that I'm a poor penniless student and then he asks me "tomorrow then" , maybe ... and finally it breaks. I knew if I was not too position to negotiate or if I risk retaliation but it went very quietly.

Other nice habit in public service, among teachers. Under the pretty name of "Handicrafts" children must bring a broom or other object they crafted themselves. But it is now regarded by teachers as a mode of payment so they ask their students to bring toilet paper, soap, detergent, body etc.. These are classes of fifty students, so imagine what it represents. Then they use as currency for barter or sell on the black market. (Luckily my mother is not paid by the Catholic school in boxes of soap!)

Then children who do not provide the requested material are punished or beaten. Parents do not have much choice. More "bad payers" get a bad grade in class 'handiwork' this beating down their GPA and their sometimes doubling their year. Ah lovely country!

Hey I would ever have to shower with ½ liter of bottled water. It's possible, yesterday there was no water!

Helvetic Confederation Democratic ... Now I know why we did not need to specify!

Some expressions Congolese An educator spoke of a young in his exams "He brilliantly successful" and there was no humor.

Otherwise the sign of a health benefits and announced proudly in the maternity section "desired births" I do not know how they recognize unwanted children!?

Yeah, I get a little criticism ... I think

Another small picture, this is David's nephew, mother Helen, who lives with us.

Voili voilo bye kiss and the next.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Honeywell Thermostat Conversion

a little rain!

Hello, first a big thank you to everyone who left a little message, that give me super happy.

I found the parade those who call me "Mundele, well I tell them to make a wish that his luck (yeah, it's rare to see a mundele here, like a four leaf clover or a shooting star!) . Otherwise when a child approaches me in the street and say to myself 'I'm hungry "I replied" me too "is perhaps a little harsh, but they treat all like that here, and the only way I found that they leave me leg! After perhaps a way to protect myself and not let me touch.

Tuesday it rained all day and here is pretty special, it's like when it snows in Switzerland but worse, all life is slow, everything is calm, people stay home and will not work. In fact the streets are turned into a battlefield, the many holes in the floor fill with water and you never know their depth. Over power lines, understand a single cable buried underground to ten centimeters, are in such bad shape that some pools are electrified!

The temperature also dropped significantly, I would never thought one day that it was cold at 25 degrees! So I put on a sweater.

As part of my work after a week of observation, I began to identify my various tasks. Among them the school supports. It emerges special atmosphere of the classroom where I work, tin roof, wooden benches, blackboards and walls crumbling. An atmosphere of nostalgia but also a harsh reality and burning. I find myself in place of the teacher, face to myself, a student can not find meaning in this jumble of obscure grammar rules and trying to feign interest more politeness vis-à-vis the teacher for me! It gives me great feedback on my mediocre school career, at which time we expect something else from life. Teaching is another job, do not you Sab?!?

Otherwise I attended a seminar team where everything I learned at HEF-TS collapsed in a second. The vision of education here is not the same as ours. Nevertheless I was able to temper this later by making better acquainted with other educators as more nuanced Aziza brother, mother Yvonne, brother Simplice, Mouna Mom ...

My program is organized like this:

-Monday conversation with my reference or administrative work for the HEF-TS

-Tuesday day of rest,

-Wednesday M'bongwana or House of Hope,

-Thursday District and Victory M'bongwana,

-Friday Colloquium team and meeting different houses,

-Saturday M'bongwana or House of Hope,

-Sunday Worship (optional thankfully) and afternoon recreation for children in Mena,

Here the golden rule is "no more than two activities a day" because the organization is quickly limited by transport (30 min 3 hours in town), delays (here we start to worry between 1:30 and 2 hours late) or the absence of young people as educators or meals. Here we only eat twice a day and never at the same time! So I'm hypoglycemic three quarters of the time and the last quarter I have a huge hangover because I ate too much.

But I'm starting to find my rhythm, and monitors the BCD (Top Fuel, Heat and Dodo) These are the three lights for a good day and hope to do a good job. The other night the dogs barked all night, the day it was super hot and we dined at not before 16h I will not tell the state.

If my stomach is doing well and he greets you fingers crossed that it lasts!

A few words about the job, evangelization in the area of Victory is a weekly activity at low threshold for open environments for street children (50 more than 100). It includes lots of different problems, violence, malnutrition, disability, sex, drugs ... It's a place of growing as taking as I go and I recognize faces. This activity offer a religious message (still here), a loaf of bread and a drink and care given by a nurse. These children come here to escape without doubt a moment with the laws of the street, but found it submerged once the activity ended. It's hard to abandon them whenever their fate. It is true that here the "honest people" treat street children as animals (and they are already not very kind to animals!). I saw a passerby struck a violent kick in the back of a child whose only wrong was to hang out there. What image of the adult can they have after treated like this?

M'bongwana is a foster home, semi-open for street children (twenty) where they are in school and possible re-inserted into their extended family. Children are likely to know their parents and where they live but are not welcome.

Finally the House of Hope is a home for children following closed school or learning (forty) and phase of empowerment. Even if we do let's face it there are very few opportunities in the labor market, 3% of the Congolese people have a stable job!

It's good to hear some of Didier Super, a little sarcastic, provocative and critically it contrasts quite strong here.

So much for today and next to new adventures

Bye kiss.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Stomach Pains Headaches Evening

Manners Congolese

In fact I'm going to tell you about the Congolese culture!

After the first picture I had painted a bleak but that corresponds to reality, I begin to see other more positive aspects.

We visited the market for artists along the Boulevard on June 30, Boulevard that the Chinese are trying to rebuild through access to mineral resources of Congo, they do not lose the northern Chinese (raptors!). So in this market I discovered a number of objects belonging to the Congolese culture, beautiful objects such as sculptures, jewelry, ceremonial masks, fabrics, raffia, etc.. and stones like Pirites and "Eye of the Tiger" Katanga, woods like wenge and ebony, and even ivory objects. This country has enormous resources!

I also had the opportunity to make several meetings in the street and talk with Congolese. Besides, they think we are all rich in Europe. Those who scream "Mundele" aggressively are a minority. But for others even if it is a way as another of t'interpeller it quickly becomes tiring. It depends on the mood. In the Congolese
manners, it is customary to speak loudly, to shout even see if your partner is less than 1 meter away. At first I thought they yell at each other but no. Besides, they can have long conversations remotely, in the garden and one in the house! Reason for yelling even louder. The other day at lunch I almost blow up a hose. Helen spoke to Martine at table outside, Pri-pri (2years) and other young screaming asked questions (screaming of course). Me there in the middle I was eating my sandwich when I woke up slowly ...
Another specialty of the Congolese culture is the hierarchy, this company is very hierarchical, depending on your age and your socioeconomic status. It means that someone placed above almost anything can ask someone to lower it and without batting an eyelid. To do this, Mama Helen Howl "Martineeeee", "Davideeeee" found on the other side of the plot to come and pass him the salt shaker that is one meter of it! But all this is considered normal here.
Otherwise they are much in the here and now, every man for himself, tripe, with little criticism, without limits, and power relations. Attention this are only impressions of me and never judge.

Tuesday 03.03.10 I had a lovely surprise, Mom Else (shaffousoise the arrival in 1968) took us Lisenga (Unit in Lingala), the primary school she founded three decades ago. It is an oasis amid the noise and bustle of the city. What makes him believe that a better future is possible. It We explained the philosophy of the institution based on the overall development of the child and then I say hat is constructed with rigor cross Congolese Switzerland and the result is impressive is the first time since I got there I see such an organization. We tour the offices and classrooms where we find students happy and drills. Mamma Else tells the story of this school, she began in 1980 with a mandate from the Congolese state and EPER. She had a field blank check ... but no budget! This will take 14 years to build this class after class project generally developed from the beginning. What will! She explained several choices conveyed by the values of the institution. Teacher salaries, the profession here is undervalued and synonymous with poverty. Indeed in the public teachers are underpaid and several months late. The result is that they do other jobs at hand and do not invest fully in their class. Lisenga thus provides salaries for teachers to meet their needs (which is rare here) feels that the quality of education.
Other choices, make referrals (1 / 4 students) to educate children from disadvantaged families and to allow a mix of socio-cultural levels within the school and prevent access to such education is elitist. Finally
each year they work on a theme by pushing workshops and children develop their critical thinking (here it is not nothing!). This year they think about the Europe-Africa relations which can work on their performances. Besides, they prepare a show on this subject which will run in Switzerland soon. We attended a rehearsal, it's amazing as they dance and sing well. They have a date in Marin, if you're interested in Congolese culture it's worth, it's amazing! Here is the schedule:

The Messengers, Afrika is Lobi
dances, songs, rhythms and percussion Congo: 15 children of school Lisanga in Kinshasa say that another Africa is possible in your area:

and Places dates

Lausanne, March 26 at 20h - Cultural Space of Soils

The Sarraz
March 27 at 20h - Spinning (meals Congolese 18h)
March 28 at 10am - Worship at the Temple

March 28 at 17h - Space Perrier

March 30 at 20h - College Saint-Charles

March 31 at 20h - Aula College Montreux East

April 2 10am - Worship Good Friday

- DM Trade Organization and Mission -
- 021 643 73 99 -

In the old car rotting section I almost shed a tear when I found myself against a blue Mazda estate like my parents in 1985! One of my childhood with the wave at the rear of the roof, where I burned my thighs in the summer. Otherwise
Cindy (Boillat) will always send his Nissan station wagon for export, there are all full here. That they must be damn strong! Stars also have not seen much of Citroen. There are also several vehicles Tata, Ashok Leyland and Bajaj (pronounced with the accent Indian). Otherwise

wolf, hyena, giraffe, elephants and weasels are split on the merits although the mouth of the Savannah! Which may include ...

Oh yeah, I also discovered that the intro to the song "Warriors Baluba" Ludwig von 88 is nothing but a speech by Mobutu on national unity, what propaganda! Impressive number of books extolling the qualities of the Mobutu regime ... edited by the Mobutu regime!

As for religion, there is something to write a whole chapter, but it will come.

That's it for today, bye kiss. Hello