Monday, July 5, 2010

Do Capitalize Communism

Between the two assessments

Here is a text I wrote for the school:

Hello each and everyone, and expatriates living in Switzerland. After talking about my impressions of the Congolese culture, my findings on the problem of street children and the institutional values, I will talk today about different relationships I have established with the children with whom I work and some of their behaviors.

There is a common view within the educational team, the one large (18 to 24 years) are proud. I remember first culturally, appearance is important here. So I have observed that young people in question dressed like "gangstas" and behaved like "bad boys". They change clothes several times a day for the show, do not sometimes want to say hello and "roll their mechanical" when I crossed. All this is also part of them for their late teens and early in our relationship, but does not, however, the values of a Christian association.
Then I discovered behind the protective facade of young fragile, lost, not knowing who they are and always open wounds. I also observed a marked difference in their behavior when alone or in groups. Only, they are helpful and polite. It is therefore certain that now, four months after they open.

Here is another interesting situation. That of a boy's home of 11 years asked me to buy him a ball. I replied no, explaining that they had several and they are rapidly lost or damaged. He calls me a villain! I explain my decision again. It gives me a kick in the shin! I scolded him, told him one last time and takes the distance. Some days later, I salute him and ignore me. Then he begins his emotional blackmail with other adults and as adults go in his direction he is charming (a little too much for my taste).
I think this situation shows both that the subject of street children is very sensitive and we constantly risk falling into sentimentality. How not to be a monster in denying a child abandoned by his parents a ball worth 30 Swiss centimes. And no, offering him the ball would not have learned to take care of business and would have strengthened a mechanism learned in the street and already well-established right to receive and then throw the item when it is dirty or down (when he could clean or repair) So I maintain my position.
Secondly some children are familiar with this chord and use it. This is probably a behavior that allowed them to survive on the streets. Some are very demanding, intrusive see intrusive. That's when I recover from the distance, when young came to get me into my room!
I also felt strong coalitions between children against adults. But finally, it is not 11 year olds who will make the law, but what image of the adult have?

As you will understand it's pretty complex but exciting.

Even a small photo of Shadrack picking papayas not with foufourche but with a bamboo stick!

Sincerely, big beaks, Jean-Yves

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Drivers De Camara Web Manhattan

Day underwear!

Hello small band schnariflets

So for those who worried, June 30, 2010, National Day of the DRC and the fiftieth anniversary of independence, s is well spent. I attended the festivities on TV as advised Mum Helen. The only things we experienced was the live shots guns rang mournfully and patrol helicopters (the last six Air Force) making skimming between palms "moooorning Kinshasa gooooood! "It's still pretty impressive!
It is true that for some time, trash bags had appeared in town, we repainted the buildings (the outside) and sidewalks in red and white and Chinese rush the construction of the "triumphal boulevard. Everybody was busy. The parade lasted
5 hours, the arrival of the President with his motorcade of security, his speech, the religious authorities, enumerating the various guests, including heads of state such as Angola, Rwanda, South Africa ... The King of Belgium, Belgian, French and American (they treat their relationships). Then start the parade with the police (who we stop regularly to ask for beer), the Presidential Guard, Army, Navy, Air Force, all marching in step with new uniforms received the day before. Then successive 201 vehicles including jeeps equipped with machine guns, trucks, guns DCA, mortars, tanks and All new trailers etc. ... purchased for the occasion! Worrisome given that the regular army commits more abuse than other armed rebel groups and militias. And finally, civilians from different political parties.
A beautiful evening masquerade as a power cut me abruptly back to reality in the country and its many failures. But I understand that people want to believe it.

We also said goodbye to Monica, and Charles Idelette returning to Switzerland on Wednesday. We had a great meeting with them and shared lots of fun moments. The fact that Monique and Idelette were born Coast to the Fairies there is surely something to do!

Ouch I assess with a vengeance these days, even a little effort up my record!
Kisses kisses and see you soon. Jean-Yves