Why do you write?
I do not know.
When your life depends on a problem you take out a sheet and you begin to write things who probably have no meaning. Why?
I feel the urge to exorcise my troubles, I feel so relieved when I finish a page and I get comments. I feel that there are people who share my pain, even though the majority are nobodies.
What you do is it worth?
For me it's a real satisfaction and when I publish it so that I share, but if it's interesting to others.
You do not think it's a waste of time?
In any case, writing allows me to find a balance and probably a smile.
Why you do not share your pain rather than actually thou refuge in a virtual world?
It's very rare when I find people who are able to share my pain, or able to understand me.
Do not you think that you take yourself for a higher being?
Most people who know me just say I'm a show-off or that I think I'm a real nerd.
Is this true?
I do not know what image I give to others, but I just behave normally, although this behavior can be seen otherwise.
What do you regret most?
I regret that promote critical thinking, wanting to show others that I am not someone who lets himself go, because the mass is right.
you This does not create problems in your workplace?
I suffer from a number of judgments, especially when I am calling upon my rights.
Asking questions is a vital thing for you?
If I did not ask any questions I will consider myself a simple animal that era in this land without any goal.
Have you achieved your goals?
I do not have any answers, but I am satisfied with this life I lead.
NB Egonaute means a navigation at the bottom of himself.
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